Welcome to
Liver Care Society
Registration number: Chatta 3237/2023
Welcome to
Liver Care Society
Registration number: Chatta 3237/2023
Welcome to
Liver Care Society
Registration number: Chatta 3237/2023
Welcome to
Liver Care Society
Registration number: Chatta 3237/2023

Excellence in Providing Liver Care
Liver Care Society Bangladesh is a non-profitable, non-political, non-government, charitable and voluntary organization.
There is tremendous psychosocial burden impacting overall quality of life and coping with the illness as liver patients with prolonged disease are usually physically and man families and professionals who support patients living with a lifelong liver disease.
The list of liver diseases are endless and the road to meeting our goal long with so much to be done. Join our community to partner this cause
Best Liver Care Services

Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis B and C infection is the gateway for access to both prevention and treatment services.

Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis B and C infection is the gateway for access to both prevention and treatment services.

Objectives Of The Club
- Working as a non-profitable, non-political, non-government, charitable and voluntary organization.
- Creating mass awareness among the general people regarding prevention, treatment and care of liver disease, especially viral hepatitis.
- Working for eradication of hepatitis B and C virus by 2030 in collaboration with government, WHO and World Hepatitis Alliance.
- Arranging hepatitis B vaccination at low cost and motivate people to take hepatitis B vaccine who is at risk.
- Making people aware against long - standing myths and quackery systems of treatment of Hepatitis and Jaundice.
- Participating in liver disease related programme like World Hepatitis Day, International NASH dayin collaboration with government and nongovernment organization.
- Raising funds by receiving donation from government and non-government organization to support the activities of the organisation.